OXBLOOD (Maroon, Burgundy, Cordovan?)

Earlier this year, I was talking it up with my boy D (over drinks that require vermouth) about the things most good sirs talk about –upward mobility, facial hair, haberdashery, women, and how lucky Lakers season ticket holders are. Out of everything we talked about, the one thing I remembered vividly was when he mentioned that his maroon colored corduroys were actually oxblood. This was my introduction to this fall’s hottest color. I had to pick up a pair of oxblood pants. This color is easy to fall in love with.

Disclaimer: I was gonna make up a cool story about the etymology of the word “oxblood” but I don’t know if any of my readers work for PETA. So yeah, use your imagination.

Jacket, pants- H&M Tie- Christian Dior (thrifted) Bag- Ralph Lauren Polo Book-Fashionisto: A Century of Style Icons by Simone Werle

The only big rule to rocking oxblood is to do it in moderation. If you have pants in this color, don’t look for any other piece of clothing to be the same color. Same with a blazer, sweater, or jacket you may pick up. Moderation wins. Other colors to wear with oxblood: Gray, denim blues, black, tan, white.

Since this color is big this fall, you can find it in most stores you make your way to. If the tag doesn’t say “oxblood”, don’t fret because someone just forgot that burgundy just adopted that cool moniker and didn’t care enough to change it…and I can completely understand.

You favorite men’s style blogger’s favorite men’s style blogger, Dan Trepanier

There are few styles of shoes that look good in this oxblood, cordovan color. I opt for the penny loafer (shiny pennies are a necessity).


Loafers- Bostonian, Pants- H&M


Peace out. I gotta get these wing tips shined.


Don’t forget that shoe shine.



6 thoughts on “OXBLOOD (Maroon, Burgundy, Cordovan?)

  1. Nice read. An ex’s favorite color was oxblood. I thought it strange until I saw it. I was like “I see what you mean”. Keep up the good writing

  2. I like what you said about moderation. It’s definitely a statement piece/color. This was helpful though, thanks!

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